Bot Game Perfect World Indonesia Site
Setelah datangnya update pw indo 2 patch (Luneska ) prophet botyang sebelumnya di gunakan tidak lagi berfungsi. Ini dikarenakan padasaat patch evolution datang, pada dasarnya bot pun juga harus di updateagar sesuai dengan base addressnya.Saya yakin kalian sudah tau soal ini, jadi kali ini saya ingin sharing prophet bot v 3.5,offset prophet bot nya sudah saya sesuikan dengan patch pw indo Luneska, jadi buat temen-temen yang kemarin-kemarin g bisa bot,sekarang sudah bisa nge bot lagi.yayyy!!CATATAN: DILARANG PK SESAMA BOTTER!! HARGAI BOTTER-BOTTER LAIN YANG LAGI HAPPY FARMING JUGA, BUKAN CUMA KAMU YANG MAU FARMING. Jadi sekarangkita udh ga perlu lagi repot-repot memasukkan tombol hotkey skill secaramanual, karena prophet bot v 3.5 sudah mendeteksi secara otomatis,million thanks to you murmurming and prophet bot team!Kekurangannyakalian harus tau nama skill yang bot gunakan dalam versi perfect worldinternational (PWI) pwi itu artiny bukan PW indo, pwi = perfect worldinternational, pw ind = pw indo,camkan itu baik-baik!Tombol dan interface buff baru:Sama sepertitombol interface pada skill, untuk tombol dan interface buff pun jugasudah dirubah agar mendeteksi secara otomatis, lihat gambar dibawah. Tombol menyuntik exp ke pixie secara otomatis:Fitur lain dariprophet bot v 3.5 ini adalah fitur untuk menyuntik exp ke pixie secaraotomatis, apabila kolom ' infuse exp ' kalian centang/ceklis, maka botakan otomatis menyuntik exp character ketika mencapai 90% ke pixiesecara otomatis.CATATAN:Gunakan secara hati-hati, apabila char bot kalian digunakan untukfarming item-item tertentu tentunya fitur ini sangat berguna, tapiapabila kalian nge bot menggunakan char asli kallian sebaiknya kolom 'infuse exp ' jangan di ceklis/centangLihat gambar dibawah untuk contohnya.
SUPPORTED VERSIONSThe Bot supports the International, Indonesian, Russian and Brazilianversions of PW. It alsosupports all private servers which use the1.4.5, 1.4.4 or 1.3.6 client.FEATURES Anti - Ban ThePerfect World Bot is not one of these poorly coded 20 minute Bots whichwill get you banned fast. It does not change any game files, it doesnot mess with your account and is completely undetected. It has severalprotection functions which checksum the client and see if it's safe touse. If not, the bot warns you.
It will also not dumbly press hotkeyslike other bots - the Perfect World OrangeBot will check therequirements for each action and only execute an action if you can doso. This way the developers do not see a mindless stream of packetsbeing sent. That being said, the bot does not press any hotkeys at all -you can chat while botting, minimize the bot without unfreezing, andstill have total control!GrindingThe Perfect World Bot can automate every aspect of your leveling or coingrinding progress. Select the monsters you wish for the bot to attack,either by Name or just a certain ID, and press start.
Bot Game Perfect World Indonesia Site 2017
That's all itneeds to get the most basic things running. It will now choose the mostoptimal mobs in your surroundings, by distance and HP.
The Bot alsooffers far more advanced options then other bots, and executes everyoperation safely via means of memory.Full vitals Support ThePerfect World Bot offers event driven vital support for your character.The bot can use MP/HP pots, Event items, Elixirs, and skills to healHP/MP. You can add unlimited vital events,and all will be processed andevaluated. The vitals intelligence checks if pots or skills are oncooldown prior to using them, so there will be no useless and dangerouspot fail spam, which could alert a developer to the fact that you arebotting. If it cannot use the skill or pot you set up, then it does notattempt to.Full pet support ThePerfect World Bot comes with the most optimized support for yourvenomancer or mystic pet out there. You can let bot heal, feed,resurrect, call and stow your pet depending on what's the best in thecurrent situation. For example, it will recall your pet when it returnsfrom buying potions or selling. You can also make the bot wait for thepet to attack first, before your character does - this makes bottingless risky.
Online Game Perfect World
Along with the option to heal your pet to full HP after eachfight, the Bot can ressurect your pet when it dies.Gathering and Farming Ourbot can also, along with gathering what a mob drops, farm materialswhich spawn around. All types of materials will automatically begathered if bot detects them in perimeter. You can also tell bot toexclude certain items. For example, you may perfer it to not pick uparrows - no problem, add it to the item pick blacklist, and it's done.The bot will not attempt to gather quest materials for which you do nothave the quest, so there are no useless gather attempts.Merchanting ThePerfect World Bot can interact with ingame NPCs. It can buy potions,sell items, and repair. It is possible to sell items in groups, such asDQ and Weapons/Armor.
In order to travel to the NPCs, the Bot will flyto whatever NPC you specified within the bot. Selecting which one suitsyou the best is easy - all information about the NPC is displayed toyou.Events ThePerfect World Bot can react to several events, for example timed itemuse, item/skill use after kill, heal events and pickup events. This isdefinable in bot and helps to make the Bot do exactly what you wish forit to do. For example, if you wish to bot oracles, then you just have totell the bot to use the oracle after each fight, and what oracle mob tokill.
The bot will now kill the quest monster, and use Oraclebook afterwards.Continuity/Back on deathDid your character die? That's no problem. The Perfect World Bot will goback to town, rest until your vitals are fully restored, and then flyback to where you started botting. No more hassle with checking if botis dead - the Bot does it for you fully automatically.Open Scripting API ThePerfect World Bot is scriptable.
This means that you will be able towrite your own scripts for the Bot in order to quickly implement newfeatures which you wish. There are numerous sample scripts included, andother users can help you with scripting if you need a certain one.Scripting enables, for example, mass opening of all sorts of packs, suchas mysterious chip packs for rank equipment,combining shards, gatheringof materials. Everything you can do ingame is also possible withscripts.