Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 Game
Your game might be looking like this when you tried to change the resolution to adjust to your monitorWhen in reallity it should look like this.You may also notice that the mouse doesn't respond to any movement or does not apear at all.What really happens is a scaling problem. Easypower with crack. A problem with the scale of your monitor (which is not the same as resolution). The resolution is the number of pixels you have on your screen and the scaling indicates how big thigs show in your monitor. What is now happening is that the game is being enlarged not because fo the resolution, but because of the scaling of the screen. In reallity this is not caused by the game and neither by your monitor, this is caused by the poor scaling configuration of Windows.
It really doesn't matter at which resolution you have the game just make sure that the game is closed. First you have to locate the il2fb.exe file in your computer. The file is gonna be located in:C:/Program files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/IL 2 Sturmovik 1946.
Once inside the IL 2 Sturmovik 1946 folder scroll down enough until you find it. Right click on it and go to Properties. A window like this should apear. On the upper part go to compatibility and check the box that says 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings'And that should be it, the problem should be fixed. You can now close everything and start up the game, it should be in the right scale and size acording to the resolution (remember to click on apply and OK when closing the properties window).
If that didn't work you might be in the same situation as me, where the compability settings are a bit diferent. Go back to properties and compatibility. And click on the option shown on the image below. These are the same 'high DPI settings' but just with a diferent way accesing them. Another window like this will pop up.

Download Game Il-2 Sturmovik 1946
And check the box as shown in the imageAnd that should be another way to solve the problem. You can now close everything and enjoy the game (also remember clicking on apply and OK when closing both windows).Sory in this part, i couldn't get english images of this configuration windows.