Manual De Practicas Word 2010

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Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013This article was written by the product team that created Microsoft Outlook for the best possible reason — our customers asked. Outlook is designed to be used by a wide audience with many work needs and styles. Although there's no one 'right way,' there are a few ways of working in the program that we know to be easier than others. We hope that by being aware of the best practices, you will have the best experience possible using Outlook.This guide represents our advice on how to get the most out of Outlook. However, it isn’t a comprehensive guide. A few core scenarios are covered to help you leverage Outlook into your information management needs.This guide is intended for people who:.Work for a large company with an IT department.Receive more than 30 email messages a day.Spend lots of time every day using Outlook to send and receive messages and to set up or attend meetings.Are using Outlook with a or with a Microsoft Office 365 account.Regardless of your server setup or organization size, this document will be useful to you.

For IT administratorsSentences prefaced with the Microsoft Office logoare references to other Office products, such as Microsoft OneNote, and Microsoft SharePoint Server. Sentences that mention AutoArchive and Outlook Data Files (.pst) are marked with an icon of a folder and file. If your organization doesn’t deploy these products or features, these sentences can be disregarded without impacting the overall document and work flow. In this articleBasic principles of good time managementOutlook is a tool to help you manage your email messages, calendar, contacts, and tasks. As such, it’s at the center of not only your communications but also your time-management. To get the most out of Outlook, we suggest a few basic principles:.Reduce the number of places where you read messages.

If you're using a new version of Office 365, you can use to automatically separate the types of messages you're most likely to read right away from other messages.Let some messages pass. Use rules to send the messages that you don't need to read right away into their own folders. Such as folders for projects or Contact Group folders. You don’t need to — and in high volume situations probably can’t — read every message sent to you.Reduce the number of places where you manually file messages. Reduce the mental tax of filing by relying on search to locate messages.Process your messages by using the Four Ds. When reading your messages, decide whether to:.Delete it.Do it (respond or file for reference).Delegate it (forward).Defer it (using categories and flags) for a second review in your task list.Reduce your to-do list to one list.

Use a single to-do list and a single calendar to manage what you need to do.Work in batches. Use categories to help you group similar tasks together.Use good judgment when sending messages.

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Follow the do’s and don’ts of writing great messages.Review your calendar and tasks regularly.Even if you don't use all of the best practices described here, following only a few will improve your experience with Outlook.Setting up Outlook: The layoutThe first step in following these best practices is to set up a system to optimize how you use Outlook. It’s considered best practice to have:.The open on the left.Your messages in, with messages sent directly to you automatically formatted in blue.The on the right.The open on the far right. If your screen resolution is less than 1024 by 768 pixels, the To-Do Bar can be minimized.turned on.For details on how to set up the recommended layout, see the section.FoldersIt’s considered best practice to have:.An Inbox for messages that you need to process (deal with). Your Inbox is for messages sent directly to you or that could be important for you to read.If you receive many messages that go back and forth among several different people, change to Conversations view. Otherwise, use the date arrangement (the default arrangement). Use to make all messages sent only to you blue.A single reference folder, under the Inbox, for all reference material that you might want to refer back to later.

Nothing is automatically filed (that is, with a rule) into this folder. Name this folder 1-Reference. (Adding the 1- will cause it to be the first item under the Inbox.) This folder is created under the Inbox so that you can collapse the Inbox and remove it from view.Set this folder to auto archive annually. Note: If this folder becomes too large (10,000 items or more), Outlook might become slow when switching to this folder.A folder for career-related, private, and personal messages.

Having a separate folder for personal and career-related information gives you the freedom to search for a message while someone is standing over your shoulder without worrying that a personally sensitive message will appear. Name this folder 2-Personal. Managers might have a single folder for feedback on their employees called 3-Management.Set these folders to auto archive annually.A set of folders for Contact Group messages. All messages sent to Contact Groups (also known as list servers, or mailing lists, or distribution lists) don’t necessarily need to be read. This set of folders is the repository for all of the Contact Group messages that aren’t automatically delivered to your Inbox. Create a single, top-level folder under your Inbox called Contact Groups, and then create a subfolder for each topic of Contact Groups.

Usually, one folder per Contact Group is enough, but if you are on several related Contact Groups, consider having all of the messages delivered to the same folder.Collapse the top-level Contact Group folder so that you aren’t distracted by the unread messages in the folders beneath it. Note: If you need to read every message on a Contact Group, don’t create a folder for it.

These messages should go directly to your Inbox.Set your Contact Group folders to auto archive every six months or more frequently if they are time sensitive — for example, a Contact Group for finding carpool rides should be archived daily.A set of folders for. Much like the set of folders for Contact Groups, RSS represents another set of data that might sometimes have interesting information, but doesn’t need to be read consistently or with the same sense of urgency as messages sent directly to you.

Outlook creates these folders automatically.Search foldersSearch folders are useful for gathering information from across different mail and RSS folders. Search folders can be especially useful when you need to gather information that is saved in different folders — for example, when preparing for a quarterly meeting.If you receive a large volume of messages (more than 200 messages a day), search folders might be a good way for you to parse mail from different senders.Favorites (optional)Favorites give visibility to folders that are otherwise buried in your mail folder list.Favorites, a subset of your mail folders, appear at the top of the navigation pane. Using Favorites isn’t a requirement for this system to work, but if you have a small screen, you can minimize the Navigation Pane and still successfully file your messages by dragging messages to the minimized bar, perform common searches, and navigate to the Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks.It’s considered best practice to have the following folders in your Favorites: Inbox, 1-Reference, Sent Items, and Deleted Items.RulesThe goal of organizing your Outlook is to reduce the amount of unnecessary 'noise' in your Inbox and to make the most important items bubble to the top. Rules help this process by moving messages into folders based on criteria that you set. Rules filter the messages coming into your Inbox for must-read items only.It’s considered best practice to have the following rules (details on how to set up these rules are in the at the end of this paper):.Automatic Replies Move all responses to meetings that don’t have content to Deleted Items. You can see who has accepted by checking the tracking tab inside the meeting window.To: Me Any message sent directly to you or with you on the Cc line is sent to the Inbox and isn’t processed by other rules, even if it’s also sent to a Contact Group.Meeting Requests Sent to Inbox All meeting requests, even if sent to a Contact Group, should be sent to the Inbox.Defer Sent Items This rule delays sending messages by one minute or longer.

When using this rule, make sure that your messages have been sent before you shut down your computer. Note:This is a client-side-only rule; it won’t work on Outlook Web App (OWA).Contact Groups Any email message sent to a Contact Group is sent to a Contact Group folder — unless its keywords suggest that it's important to you, in which case it’s sent to your Inbox. Multiple Contact Groups that are similar should use the same rule and be filed in the same folder. If you are a member of a Contact Group for which you need to read every message, don’t create a rule for it. Any messages that you must read should go directly into your Inbox.To-Do BarThe To-Do Bar is the panel on the right side of Outlook. It shows you a calendar, your upcoming appointments, and your unified task list, which contains:.Messages you need to respond to (flagged messages).Contacts you need to call (flagged contacts).Tasks that come up spontaneously.The best practice for setting up the To-Do Bar is to:.Show a Date Navigator (turned on by default).Show tasks (turned on by default).Show favorite contacts.The default arrangement for tasks is by Due Date, but you might consider changing the arrangement to Start Date, depending upon how you use flags.

If you want to see the tasks that you have pushed out for next week on Monday, arrange by Start Date. If you want to see tasks on the day that they are due, arrange by Due Date. Note: Using the @ symbol makes the categories stand out in your category list. Note: Quick Steps only apply to messages.It’s considered best practice to have the following Quick Steps. Tip: When processing and reading your messages, remove visual clutter by minimizing the Navigation Pane and To-Do Bar by selecting the Reading buttonin the status bar. To go back to everything open, select Normal(just to the left of Reading).Do a daily and weekly review of your tasks and appointments.

Look at your calendar and tasks, and evaluate your appointments and tasks against your priorities. If you have a busy calendar, this is the time for:.Clearing out conflicting appointments, because you can't be in two places at once.Scheduling time to do work.Reflecting on what you're doing, whether it's a valuable use of your time, and whether you're setting the right priorities.Meet regularly with your manager. Regular meetings with your manager can help you explain what you are working on and reset priorities where needed.

To set up a regular or recurring meeting, select Recurrence.Tasks: Doing your work Weekly reviewLooking at the whole picture of your time and your tasks will help you to prioritize important work over less urgent tasks. It will help you to make it clear to others what can and can’t be realistically expected of you to accomplish. Reviewing your past week and upcoming week is also a useful way to help you prepare for a weekly meeting with your manager or help you prepare a status email message. Where to do your workAfter you have processed your messages, the best place to do work in Outlook (reply to messages and so on) is in Tasks.

By switching to Tasks, you won’t be distracted by messages arriving in your Inbox. Bulk process your tasksAs you go through your task list and your calendar, do similar tasks together. For example, if you have only a few minutes, make all of your phone calls (if you have just a few).

Tackle energy-intensive tasks (for some, that might be responding to messages) when you have more energy. Deal with your low-energy tasks, such as reading status messages, later in the day or whenever your energy is lower. By 'bulk processing' your tasks, you will make progress on all of your projects simultaneously.One way to bulk process tasks is to change the arrangement from Arranged By: Start Date to Arranged By: Categories. To do this, select the Arranged By heading, and then select Categories. Note: If you have tasks that are blocking other people from getting their work done, do those tasks first.Finishing your tasksAs you finish your tasks, mark them complete. Outlook keeps the list of your completed tasks automatically. This can be a useful summary of what you've accomplished.

Tip: Reminding yourself to send another message is often more effective than flagging the message for your recipient. Similarly, when you promise to do something in a message, flag it for yourself so that you have a task in your To-Do Bar to remind you. Basic rules of great messages: The don'ts.Don't use stationery.Don't include your manager on every message you send.Don't send a message when you are angry. Better to write it, save it to your drafts folder, and come back to it later.Don't expect a quick response when sending long messages (more than two paragraphs).Don't send a follow-up message less than a day after the first message. If you don't hear back in a timely manner, try using the phone or a messaging app such as Microsoft Teams.Don't use read receipts or delivery receipts on every message you send.

Use them only if you are unsure whether your recipients will receive the message.Don't attach flags or high importanceto every message you send. Your recipients will learn to ignore them.Don't use ALL CAPS.Don't send attachments — send links instead.

This rule applies especially to meeting requests, where attachments can contribute significantly to server quotas.Don't expand distribution lists. Expanding distribution lists makes messages harder to read and causes them to go into the wrong mail folders for people using rules.Don't use sarcasm. Your humor might be misunderstood.Don't write something you wouldn't want everyone in your company to read. You never know where your message might end up.Don't use cursive or 'funny' fonts that are hard to read.Don't use red fonts, because they are hard to read and can be interpreted as being critical.Don't use Reply All to a Contact Group asking to be removed. Ever.Advice for Contact Groups (previously called Distribution Lists)If you are responding to a large Contact Group, follow all of the message Do’s and Don'ts.If you need more information or are investigating the issue separately, respond to the whole Contact Group to let everyone know that you are responding and then reply to the individual separately.

Make sure to respond to the Contact Group after the issue is resolved with the resolution. In this way, the resolution can be referenced by other people on the Contact Group. How to redirect peopleIf someone sends a message to a Contact Group that you are a member of and the message would be better answered by someone else or another Contact Group, do the following:.Reply with the correct Contact Group or person on the To line.Have replies sent to the correct Contact Group or person.Don’t put the original Contact Group on the Bcc line, because your message won’t be filtered by other people's rules. Rather, leave the Contact Group on the To or Cc line.If you are transitioning to a new role and find that you are redirecting people regularly, set up a Quick Step.How to be removed from a Contact GroupIf you receive mail from a Contact Group that you don’t want to be on, send a message to your network administrator or to the owner of the Contact Group and ask to be removed.

Don’t reply to the whole Contact Group. To find the Contact Group owner, double-click the Contact Group name on the To line. How to use inline commentsAdding inline comments to a message that you receive is a convenient way to answer questions and respond directly to issues. It’s considered a best practice to do the following:.In your message, mention that you are commenting inline.

For example, include 'See additional comments below.' .Differentiate your text from the original message.

Some suggestions include:.Changing the font color.Pre-pending your name or initials in brackets, for example, Scott Mitchell.Changing the font to italic or bold or both.Don’t delete anything you didn’t write.If you only want to comment on a small part of a longer message, copy that section of your message into your response, using a different color and prefixing the quote with quotes, and then type your response. When to use BccIf you add a recipient's name to the blind carbon copy Bcc box in a message, a copy of the message is sent to the recipient, but the recipient's name isn’t visible to the other recipients of the message.Use the Bcc feature to remove extra people from an email conversation when you deem that they no longer need the extra email or if the conversation topic has changed.For example, if you are one of five people who receive a question and you want to answer it, move the other four people to the Bcc line and write something such as ' Bcc'ing Joe, Jeff, James, and Jennifer. Here's the answer' Future messages will then be between only you and the original sender.Don’t use Bcc to let a third party (such as your manager) know about a sensitive message.

The Bcc recipient might not realize that he or she has received a Bcc and might respond to everyone, exposing that he or she received a Bcc message. Note: If the Room Finder pane doesn’t appear, on the Meeting tab, in the Options group, select Room Finder.If you find you're regularly creating meetings with the same group of people, create a group in the Navigation Pane so that you can more easily see people’s free-busy information. Tip: If you are traveling to the meeting location, schedule travel time on your calendar before and after the meeting.

How to handle related documentsIn preparing for a meeting, often there are documents to be shared before or during the meeting.If all of the attendees are connected to your corporate network, put the documents on a SharePoint site or on a shared network drive.If any of the attendees are external from your company (for example, a vendor who doesn’t have access to your intranet), consider using a SharePoint Workspace.Don’t send attachments in your meeting requests. Preparing an agenda: Let tasks help.@Meeting is your central spot for agenda items.Create a single task, mark it with the @Meeting category, and set the Start Date or Due Date to the date of your meeting. As the meeting date approaches and discussion points come up, add comments, bullets, and thoughts to the task as they occur to you. This task will become your agenda for the meeting.After the meeting, mark the task complete, and create new tasks for your action items.If you want to discuss a set of messages or just one messageIf you have a message you want to discuss at a meeting, flag that message for the day of the meeting and mark it with the @Meeting category.If you have more than three messages to discuss, don't flag each one because they will pollute your task list. Instead, create a new task with the name of the meeting; right-click and drag the messages to the task (copying as you go). Mark this task with the @Meeting category.If you want more room for your thoughts.If you are collaborating with other people or just need more room for your thoughts, consider using a OneNote notebook, which can be shared either through a SharePoint site or on a local server. OneNote provides a richer note-taking experience than Outlook tasks.

Note: Whether your calendar is shared depends on the version of Microsoft Exchange Server your system is running and how your administrator has configured the server.Contacts When to use Outlook Contacts in a corporate environmentEven if you work for a company with a Global Address list, there will be occasions when you want to keep a contact in Outlook. Create contacts for:.People who are outside your company.People for whom you want to remember something or add information to their contact, such as their birthday.People whom you want to sync to your mobile phone, especially if your phone isn’t connected to your corporate address book, or for cases where you don’t have connectivity.When to create a Contact Group in OutlookCreate Contact Groups (formerly known as personal distribution lists) in Outlook when you want to make it easier to send messages to a group of people outside your corporation.

For all groups inside your corporation, create a public Contact Group (ask your IT administrator about how to do this).Frequently asked questions What are Quick Steps?Quick Steps give you the ability to perform multiple actions in one click. They are a useful tool to help you keep a clean inbox and to generally be more efficient at using Outlook. Any time you find yourself repeatedly doing the same steps in Outlook, try creating a Quick Step. Note: Quick Steps only apply to mail items (for example, items in your Inbox).

Why show the Reading Pane on the right and not the bottom (or off)?Reading a longer column of narrow text is easier than reading a shorter, wider section of text. This is because it’s easier to move your eyes down than left to right over long distances, which can cause you to move your head and neck and lead to fatigue. It’s better to have the Reading Pane on, so that you don't have to open each message to read its contents. What to do with folders I don't need anymore?The Navigation Pane folder list should be reserved for folders you use often. If it's filled with folders you don't even recognize, move all mail into the reference folder and delete your existing folders. How can I make all messages sent only to me blue?.On the View tab, in the Current View group, select View Settings.In the Advanced View Settings dialog box, select Conditional Formatting.In the Conditional Formatting dialog box, select Add.In the Name box, type Me, and then select Font.In the Font dialog box, under Color, select Blue, and then select OK.In the Conditional Formatting dialog box, select Condition.In the Filter dialog box, select the Where I am check box next to The only person on the To line, and then select OK on each open dialog box. Note: You can use the drop-down menu to change the Where I am condition.When should I use conversation view?Conversation view is useful when:.You check your messages less frequently, and therefore have more messages to view at a time.You have many message threads that have a lot of back-and-forth discussion.You need to see the context of who has responded to whom.You get a lot of messages.By viewing your messages in conversation view, you can easily see which conversations have had the most back-and-forth discussion.

In those cases, you might want to read and respond to only the last message in the conversation. 150 best eco house ideas pdf. You can also select an entire conversation and act on it. For example, there might be a lengthy series of messages where the last one simply states, 'Thanks, that answers my question,' so you can just delete the whole conversation.You can also see messages from other folders when you are in conversation view, which is very helpful when you receive a new message on a lengthy conversation — you can see the whole history, including your replies. Should I keep personal and business messages together?Reducing the number of places where you read messages doesn’t mean that you should mix your work and personal messages. A best practice is to use separate mail accounts for work and personal communications.

You should, however, reduce the number of email addresses that you have to deal with. Fortunately, with Outlook, you can view multiple accounts simultaneously. In addition to your work email account (Exchange Server), you can add other accounts such as or Gmail to the same profile in Outlook. How do read and unread states help me?Read and unread states in Outlook help by showing you quickly which messages have been read at least once and which have not.

However, the read and unread states of messages can be easily be triggered by clicking around your messages so they aren’t a perfect record — just a tool.To quickly mark a message as read, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Q. To mark it as unread, press Ctrl+U.

Why isn't read/unread state enough?Some people try to use the read and unread states to indicate whether a message is new or a reference item. But unread state is unreliable, because as soon as a message loses focus (when you select another message), it’s automatically marked as read and far too often other devices (phones, for example) mark messages as read. Inevitably, messages will be reread, and the mental tax of figuring out what you need to do will be paid again. Using unread/read state as the “line” between those items in your Inbox that are “tasks” and those that just haven’t been processed tends to break down when you receive many messages, some of which you will never read because you can tell by looking at the subject that you don’t need to read them. A far more efficient Inbox plan is to go through your messages and decide what to do with each one.

Then it should leave your Inbox — not remain 'unread.' Why should I file my messages?It’s a best practice to have a central repository for your messages, so that you can refer to them after you've 'dealt' with them. By having a limited number of folders to look in ( 1-Reference and 2-Personal), you don't have to worry about misfiling a message or needing to copy it into multiple folders if it applies to more than one topic or project.That's not to say that there isn't a need for browsing through messages that are all on a particular topic or project. Outlook provides better tools — such as categories and search folders — so you can search effectively. Why should I have only one reference folder?By having a single folder, you don't have to think about which folder holds which messages, and you know that everything in this folder is something that you have looked at before and wanted to keep.Having multiple folders means that each time you file a message, you are forced to decide which folder to use. This becomes even more complicated if there is more than one appropriate folder per message. Since many folders go unused when there are multiple choices, this creates clutter.Although it might seem like a big deal to leave all of your messages in your Inbox, there is a hidden cost you pay every time you look at a message and wonder, 'Is this something I have to deal with or is this just here for reference?'

There is also peace of mind gained from having an Inbox filled only with new things. Your Inbox is a place that other people can manipulate; what you put in your reference folder is strictly up to you. Why do I need different folders for Contact Groups?.Different archiving rates You should have different folders for different Contact Groups based on topic and frequency of AutoArchiving. For example, if you are on a carpooling Contact Group, the messages in the Carpool folder should be deleted daily. A Contact Group covering a work-related topic should be archived less frequently, such as annually.Efficient conversation grouping When you have separate folders for topical Contact Groups, you can see entire conversations grouped together. Should you need to, you can efficiently search within a folder.Why do I need separate folders for Contact Groups and RSS?Messages sent to large distribution lists and to RSS feeds can easily overwhelm your Inbox.


Treat these streams of information much as you would a large newspaper — there might be a useful or interesting article, but reading the whole paper would take considerable time. Let rules help you to read what is most interesting and pertinent to you. Which Contact Groups should go to a folder instead of my Inbox?Good candidates for a distribution list rule and folder are distribution lists that:.Receive a lot of messages.Are directed to many people.Corporate-level messages with important news (for example, from the CEO) and messages from your IT department about server downtime should not go into a folder.

Messages to a Contact Group that only occasionally contain useful or interesting content, regardless of frequency, should have a rule and a folder. How do I set up rules for RSS?If you subscribe to several RSS Feeds, treat them like another distribution list. Move the interesting RSS items (based on keywords) to the Inbox; otherwise, let them be automatically filed into RSS folders. What if I have retention policies or an Exchange Server Online Archive?Use your organization’s solution in place of AutoArchive, and as always, follow your corporate policy. If your corporate policy dictates that you have multiple folders for each type of item, follow that policy.

Why should I use rules?As time goes on, you will likely receive more and more messages. You can’t read every message you receive — nor should you try to. Rather, just read the messages that are important for you to read.

Rules will help you prioritize important messages and minimize distractions. Tip: Just because a message has been sent to you (or to a distribution list you subscribe to), you don’t have to read it, nor is a response expected. What dates do flags setQuick StepWhat it doesWhen to use itTodayTodayTodayTomorrowTomorrowTomorrowThis WeekTwo days from now or the last day of the work week, whichever comes first. (With the default settings, on Monday, this is Wednesday; on Tuesday, this is Thursday.)The last day of the work weekNext WeekThe first day of the next work weekThe last day of the next work weekWhat should I do with tasks and flagged mail from years ago in my To-Do Bar?If you aren’t actively using tasks or flags for any purpose, select all of the items, right-click and then select Delete. This action will delete old tasks and remove the flag from flagged messages and contacts without deleting the items. What should I do with unused categories?Delete all of the categories that you don't plan to use.

Manual De Practicas Word 2010 Pdf

The same category set applies to all items, so if you use a category for contacts, keep it. What’s the best way to choose colors?When creating color categories, be thoughtful in your color choices.

For example, don’t choose the same color for @phone as @email, but do choose similar colors (shades of green, for example) for all of your 1:1 categories. Over time, you will be able to look at your task list and determine just by color whether the task is presently actionable. For example, if @Home is purple, and you are at work, you can't do any purple tasks.

Why schedule time for myself?By scheduling time for yourself on your calendar, your free/busy information will be updated and people will be less likely to schedule you for that time. If you have a busy calendar, this might be the only way you can get dedicated time to do your job.It also helps you to make a commitment to doing work — if you put it on your calendar, you should be committed to doing that work at that time. If someone schedules over your work time, make sure to reschedule your time. Don't cheat yourself! How do I handle the 10,000 messages in my Inbox?If you have more than 20 items in your Inbox, process the last week of messages and then select the remaining messages and move them to your 1-Reference folder.

Yes, you can do this, and it will feel great. Why do I get so many messages?If you feel overwhelmed by messages, you are probably receiving more than you can possibly handle, and you might need to set up more aggressive rules. Try analyzing where your messages are coming from by arranging your messages by From and then collapse all of the headers.

Are you reading Contact Groups that you don't need to read? If so, create a rule.

If you change your view, don't forget to change it back! I have 10 minutes: What should I read first in my Inbox?If you are short on time, for example, between meetings, you can read the messages in blue – messages sent directly to you. Often these messages are waiting on you for the next step and are the most important.

How often should I read my messages?For many of us, reading messages is nearly an addiction. Spend 20 minutes in the morning going through your messages, and then turn your attention to doing a daily review of your task list. Then get on with your day! Limiting the time you spend reading messages to once in the morning and once at the end of the day could significantly improve your productivity. Try it for a full week and see for yourself. How can I manage complicated tasks?Some tasks require more room for planning.

For these tasks, use OneNote. For example, if you are planning a project with multiple steps, nested tasks, and so on, OneNote is a more appropriate tool.If you just want to remember a few related tasks, list them in the body of the task. If there are related messages, drag them into the task. Should I keep personal and business tasks together?If possible, keep your personal and business tasks in one place. Keeping one list reduces the number of places that you need to look for what needs to be done.

Even if you already have only one list, use categories to sort your personal from business tasks and manage your list effectively. Your personal tasks will be stored on your company's Exchange Server and could be visible to your IT department, so only put appropriate personal tasks on your list. What’s wrong with keeping tasks in my head?Keeping tasks in your head doesn't work. It’s liberating to depend on Outlook instead of your overtaxed brain to keep track of your tasks.

You can stop spending brain power reminding yourself of your tasks ('Okay, remember to send John a message about the templates, send John a message about the templates') and focus on the activity at hand. Why keep my tasks in Outlook?Why a task list in Outlook works better than a paper list:.Paper lists can't automatically be kept up-to-date.Paper lists can't be easily rearranged.You can use Outlook on the webto view your task list from anywhere.Outlook integrates with OneNote and Microsoft SharePoint Server and your mobile device.Paper lists can be easily lost.Advanced: How do I create a Search Folder for email messages?You can have easy access to a set of messages on a particular topic for a meeting. Create a category for your meeting, and then create a Search Folder with the following criteria: category and not completed and from a certain time period. As you receive messages on that topic, mark them with the category. When you meet, mark complete on the messages that you have discussed.ReferencesThere are many excellent books and philosophies of time management from the following sources: Books and other resources.Getting Things Done (GTD) System, available Michael Linenberger.Tips and downloads for getting things done., Fortune 500 magazine on

Who is this guide for?If you own, manage, monetize, or promote online content via Google Search, this guide is meant for you. You might be the owner of a growing and thriving business, the webmaster of a dozen sites, the SEO specialist in a Web agency or a DIY SEO ninja passionate about the mechanics of Search: this guide is meant for you. If you're interested in having a complete overview of the basics of SEO according to our best practices, you are indeed in the right place. This guide won't provide any secrets that'll automatically rank your site first in Google (sorry!), but following the best practices outlined below will hopefully make it easier for search engines to crawl, index and understand your content.Search engine optimization (SEO) is often about making small modifications to parts of your website.

When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results. You're likely already familiar with many of the topics in this guide, because they're essential ingredients for any web page, but you may not be making the most out of them.You should build a website to benefit your users, and any optimization should be geared toward making the user experience better. One of those users is a search engine, which helps other users discover your content. Search Engine Optimization is about helping search engines understand and present content. Your site may be smaller or larger than our example site and offer vastly different content, but the optimization topics we discuss below should apply to sites of all sizes and types. We hope our guide gives you some fresh ideas on how to improve your website, and we'd love to hear your questions, feedback, and success stories in the 1.We hope you will enjoy the content and we hope to hear and integrate your feedback via our Google support ForumsFeel free to save, print off the guide responsibly and re-share it: let's improve the quality of the web.Happy reading!Signed,The Google Search Quality team.

Prueba De Practica Answers

Here's a short glossary of important terms used in this guide:. Index - Google stores all web pages that it knows about in its index. The index entry for each page describes the content and location (URL) of that page. To index is when Google fetches a page, reads it, and adds it to the index: Google indexed several pages on my site today. Crawl - The process of looking for new or updated web pages. Google discovers URLs by following links, by reading sitemaps, and by many other means. Google crawls the web, looking for new pages, then indexes them (when appropriate).

Crawler - Automated software that crawls (fetches) pages from the web and indexes them. Googlebot - The generic name of Google's crawler. Googlebot crawls the web constantly. SEO - Search engine optimization: the process of making your site better for search engines. Also the job title of a person who does this for a living: We just hired a new SEO to improve our presence on the web.Are you on Google?Determine whether your site is in Google's index - Do a site: search for your site's home URL.

If you see results, you're in the index. For example, a search for '' returns 2.If your site isn't in Google - Although Google crawls billions of pages, it's inevitable that some sites will be missed.

When our crawlers miss a site, it's frequently for one of the following reasons:. The site isn't well connected from other sites on the web. You've just launched a new site and Google hasn't had time to crawl it yet. The design of the site makes it difficult for Google to crawl its content effectively. Google received an error when trying to crawl your site.

Your policy blocks Google from crawling the siteHow do I get my site on Google?Inclusion in Google's search results is free and easy; you don't even need to submit your site to Google. Google is a fully automated search engine that uses web crawlers to explore the web constantly, looking for sites to add to our index. In fact, the vast majority of sites listed in our results aren't manually submitted for inclusion, but found and added automatically when we crawl the web. 3We offer 4 for building a Google-friendly website. While there's no guarantee that our crawlers will find a particular site, following these guidelines should help make your site appear in our search results.Google Search Console provides tools to help you submit your content to Google and monitor how you're doing in Google Search.

If you want, Search Console can even send you alerts on critical issues that Google encounters with your site. 5.Here are a few basic questions to ask yourself about your website when you get started. Is my website showing up on Google?. Do I serve high-quality content to users?. Is my local business showing up on Google?.

Is my content fast and easy to access on all devices?. Is my website secure?You can find additional getting started information on 6The rest of this document provides guidance on how to improve your site for search engines, organized by topic. You can download a short, printable checklist of tips from 7.